Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

Phillip and I spent our first Thanksgiving by ourselves. We started out the day with a nice walk around our trail. It is so pretty with the leaves covering the ground - and we still have some color on the trees. When the leaves get like this Phillip wants to start raking, but I gave him his orders: NO raking until after this weekend! Phillip spent the afternoon working on his Bronco and I spent the afternoon working on a paper with a December 1 deadline. This is a paper on corporate sustainability that I'm doing with Nancy. It was an ambitious project to try to complete by this date, but it looks like we're going to make it.

I talked to Mother last night and she and Mike enjoyed spending turkey day with Aunt Janet and her family. She and Mike will be here this afternoon, Melissa and the boys a little later, and last (but certainly not least) Miranda, JA and all of their kids will arrive tomorrow. Kerry had to go back to Fayetteville (frydaddy duty) so we'll miss having Kerry here this year! I better go get busy - I've got lots of cooking to do!

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