It's been a busy weekend! Mim drove up Friday morning and as soon as she got to Arkadelphia we headed to LR because I had a meeting. She and Phillip went out to eat while I attended my meeting. Afterward Mim got the grand tour of the UALR COB building. We arrived in Fayetteville at 6:00 and picked up Jayden and Kyler. We went to Madagascar 2 - Escape to Africa. The boys loved it. They spent the night with us at the lakehouse and Saturday morning it was off to Wal Mart Corporate to meet up with Auntie M and attend the Toy Fair. WM vendors had their toys out for all of the kids to play with. They also had the REAL batmobile. I can't believe it, but I didn't get a single picture of the batmobile. Everyone had a good time!
The weekend was extended a little for Mim. She went out to leave on Monday morning and her car wouldn't start. This is the second time that her car has not started when she was leaving here. It's not that her car is a klunker - the Lord is watching over her and making her car break down while she is here and has Phillip to take care of it (added bonus was that it extended her visit)! Thanks to Phillip and Gildner Ford she is up and running and will head home tomorrow morning.
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