Monday, March 8, 2010

Girls Weekend Shopping Rules:

1.  You can only shop for yourself.
2.  If you have any money left at the have to give it back.
3.  No boys allowed (unless they are being breast-fed).

These are the rules for shopping with my girls, and since I fund the trip, I get to set the rules. We just got back from San Antonio...well really San Marcos at the outlet malls.  We met up on Friday morning(flying in from Arkansas and Florida) and got home LATE Sunday night.   Although we stopped by and saw Miranda's new house, we all stayed in a hotel (see rule # 3).  We were there when the stores opened and when they closed!  This was some serious shopping....I am actually sore today!  Lots of, laughing, eating, laughing, shopping, laughing, etc., etc.  I am now ready for SPRING!


Kara Oosterhous said...

Sounds like fun! You guys should've modeled your purchases or done a photo spread... I'm so glad you all had a wonderful time together as "the girls"!

The Williams said...

How fun!!! Melissa will have to wear her new clothes to Chicago! Glad you guys had a great weekend!