Thursday, December 3, 2009


Blogger has changed up the way pictures are posted, so my pictures are not in the right order...oh well.  We had a great Thanksgiving - but then I always enjoy spending time with my family.  The Pitts crew, Mim, Mike and Miranda were here on Saturday.  Thursday Phillip and I worked around the house.  Friday morning I told Phillip that I was going into LR to do some "Black Friday" shopping, but I actually went to pick up Miranda at the airport.  Phillip's 60th birthday is Dec. 2, so I flew Miranda home for his birthday present.  Although I am terrible at keeping secrets from my husband, I did this time.  He was totally blown away...had not suspected a thing.  She had worked from midnight until 4:00 the night before, so she was pretty tired on Friday.  She napped and I cooked on Friday. I know that someday we will be asking "what year was it that Cindy left the celery and onions out of the dressing?" I'm documenting the year in this post.  I was putting all of the food on the table, looked in the frig and saw the bag of celery and onions and realized what I had done!  Now keep in mind that without celery and onions, dressing is just seasoned, soggy cornbread.  However, I pulled out the electric wok (because it heats up fast), cooked the veggies and stirred them into the cornbread.  It was good.

Jenny, Matthew and Molly came by on Saturday.  Evan was so taken with Molly!  He got a little hug after following her around the house....

It was a beautiful day and we all played basketball.  Below is Kyler making a basket:


Mim enjoying the day:

Kyler learning to ride:

Mim and Mike with Mike's new puppy, Sheema:

A little 4-wheeling around the property:

More crazy basketball...we make up the rules as we go:

Our family counselor (Melissa) has diagnosed Miranda as being OCD...she couldn't quit working on this puzzle until it was finished:

Miranda helping the boys blow up their whoppy much for Melissa's attempts to control the boy's "potty talk."

Miranda arriving at the LR airport.

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