Friday, May 10, 2013

Phone pictures...

I have been taking a lot of pictures with my phone lately...  Several weeks ago I did lunches with the Pitts boys...all on the same day!  First stop was Burger King to pick up their order and then Pop Williams Elementary.  Evan had his lunch first.  After we ate, he wanted me to go on the playground and watch him play....I know, he is so sweet!

 Then I had lunch with Kyler and 4 of his friends
Then a quick drive over to Jayden's school to have lunch with him!

These pictures were taken one day when I was hanging out
with Miranda and little Avery...

It started snowing while I was there....

Jayden and Evan hanging out at the lakehouse and playing with Legos...

While they were playing, Pop and Kerry were taking the boat lift
out of the dock because our party barge is too big....

 Here is a picture of Pop hanging the ceiling fan in my
new screened porch.  He has done an amazing job on 
the porch!  I can't wait to "move in."

This is several weeks after the earlier picture of
the dock - look at the difference in the water color!

Kerry bought a couple of jet skis and the boys were checking
them out.  This is April and it is still pretty cold around here...

I'm going to be keeping Avery this summer, but Miranda
brought her by for a trial run.  I think I passed inspection :)  In this
picture I caught her mid-sneeze....

When she is sleepy she covers her eyes and then sleeps that way

Notice that in this picture she has no clothes on - just a diaper.
Her mother did not bring her enough cloths!  She had to go
home just wrapped in a blanket....

When Phillip and I are in NWA we seem to be so busy (in a good way).  These pictures are from the weekend of April 27th.  Phillip went up a couple of days before I did to work on the porch.  I had a meeting on Friday, so I went up on Saturday morning and got there in time to see  Jayden's football game.  Kyler had a game right before Jayden's, but I didn't make it in time.  Kerry, Jayden and Evan came over to the lakehouse on Saturday and spent the afternoon.  They were helping Pop pressure wash the dock and get it ready for the summer.  Evan had a T-ball game on Monday so we headed over there.  We were running late and I forgot to grab my good camera, so these are iphone pictures.

 I love that Evan loves to have someone watching him....

Back in Arkadelphia, Phillip and I riding on the backhoe....

A table had fallen into the pond so Phillip and I went down there so
that HE could fish it out.  While I was standing on shore a water
moccasin slithered close by....Phillip to the rescue!

AND he caught the table!

WHEW!  I think I am caught up!

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