Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Thursday, June 21

We are scheduled to spend the night in Canyon Campground tonight which is not far from where we are so there is no need to leave early.  The ranger told us that for the past week they have been seeing a bear just a couple of miles down the main road, but in the opposite direction of where we are headed.  Sounded worth the detour and it was!  The bear was just off the road.  Although she is often seen with her cubs, we did not see them.

That Jayden is a wildlife photographer in the making!

As Phillip and I say all of the time....its not the destination, its the journey!  And the journey is always beautiful when you are in Yellowstone....

We arrived in Canyon a little after eleven.  Although this area has showers and flush toilets, all of the camping spots are small and packed in tight.  We made some deviled eggs and sandwiches for lunch, and after a little discussion, we decide to head over to Cody and stay in a hotel tonight.

There were a few stops that I wanted to make along the way....some pretty scenery to be seen....

As we were heading into Cody, Jayden was talking up a storm...running on and on and talking that kind of "nonsense" talk that Phillip and Larry do so well.  All of a sudden....quiet.....

We've been staying up late - after all it doesn't get dark until almost 10 pm here.  Plus we get up early.  A nap was what he needed since we still have a lot to do in what is left of this day.

First stop in Cody is the Cowboy Museum.  They have  expanded and improved the museum since the last time we were here.

Then on to the Irma Hotel to see the nightly gunfight.  It is actually a little skit put on every evening during the summer.

They include a little picture taking opportunity for the kids with the actors.

 There is one scene when the sheriff comes out of the outhouse with toilet paper hanging out of the back of his pants.  The sheriff gave Jayden the toilet paper.

We checked into the Cody Hotel, which just happened to be right across the street from the Rodeo.  This was not a chain, but was a new, very nice hotel.  Given that the Motel 6 has rooms for $149/night, the $159/night price tag was great!  We will stay here again.  After checking in (and Jayden taking a quick dip in the hot tub) we headed to the Rodeo.

We ate dinner at the Rodeo - they had the BEST hot dogs and corn dogs ever!

You might notice Pop grinning in the background of the picture Jayden....we are both grinning because Jayden is loving this rodeo SO MUCH - Love it!

There was even a little time for the kids to go onto the arena floor and chase down a calf to get a red flag. (Jayden has on black pants with a red stripe down the side, a white t-shirt and cap)

We were also treated to a beautiful sunset over the Rodeo.....

The very last event was the bull riding.  At the finish of the last ride, the bull got loose and WENT OVER the FENCE!  Cowboys were running around and jumping on horses and grabbing their lassos!!  It was wild!  The bull headed into the parking lot and the announcer was telling everyone to stay in their seats.  SO EXCITING and what a great end to an exciting day!  BTW: They caught the bull :)

Back at the hotel, we had more fun....the hotel had a big fire outside and they provided marshmellows, big forks, graham crackers and chocolate for S'Mores....the perfect bedtime snack.

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