Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas 2011

I have been a little off this year....didn't get my decorations up as early as I usually do....just wasn't as well prepared....maybe next year...

I had to work until December 16th.  We left LR around 11:30 am going to NWA.  I had picked up my car from the dealership (I thought a fairly minor warranty repair) on Thursday afternoon.  Phillip and I kept smelling something as we got in the car, but couldn't figure out what is was.  We stopped in Ozark to get a Dr. Pepper and found out.  I had oil all over the side of my car!  Calls to Onstar and the Dealership and a tow to a GMC dealer in Ft. Smith and we found out that they had not replaced a gasket correctly on  Thursday.  The car had lost 4 quarts of its 5.5 quarts! It took a little over an hour to complete the repairs.  This could have been a very aggravating afternoon, but thank goodness for smartphones and books on CD.  I sat calmly in the dealership listening to my book. :)

The rest of the weekend was spend enjoying time with the family...basketball game with Jayden, birthday party with Kyler, lunch with Miranda, Christmas shopping, dinner and the Nutcracker Ballet with my girls:

 relaxing at the lakehouse, and more Christmas shopping.  Jayden spent the night with us on Saturday night and spent the day with us on Sunday.  We headed back to Arkadelphia on Monday afternoon.  On Wednesday I went to visit Mim and Mike in Shreveport and Mim decided to come back with me.

Miranda arrived on Saturday, so we had a little quiet time with her before it got wild [meaning when the Pitts arrived :)].  It was very quiet Christmas morning without the Pitts around.  BUT...we had a new puppy to play with that Santa brought Phillip!  The Pitts arrived around 1:30 on Christmas day.  I did not get as many pictures as I usually do, but it was still a great holiday with my family!

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