Saturday, October 10, 2009

Rain, rain, go away....

My gosh it has been rainy lately. We had planned to head to NWA on Thursday morning, but the weather man was calling for rain all day, so we decided to wait until Friday. On Thursday, Phillip worked, I worked, and the sun was shining. Why do I listen to the weather man? Around 5:00 we just decided to hit the road. It didn't rain on us until we got to I-540. Then it rained hard! Melissa sent us a text that the tornado sirens were going off and they were all in the laundry room (including their company). I called Miranda and she was in her laundry room with her dogs. The wind was blowing, rain was coming down in sheets, and Phillip and I were both trying to keep the truck on the road. We made it to the lakehouse and it continued to rain hard all night. I think they said that Rogers got 4 1/2 inches of rain and Fayetteville got over 5 1/2. Friday morning I hear the weatherman say that the rain will be gone by around 10:30 am (yes, I'm still listening to the weatherman, will I never learn??). I called up the Pitts crew and told then to get ready -we can still go hiking at Devil's Den State Park as planned. It was still raining at 10:30, but I am optimistic and decide that it will quit by the time we get to the park. The rain continued and continued. Oh yes, I forgot to mention the temps...high today of 45! We had a fun afternoon, but didn't get to hike. We had our picnic in the covered pavillion and by the time we finished, the rain was just a light mist. The boys played at the playground and got soaking wet! Oh yes, the waterfall was amazing- so much water going over the falls!

Below you can see Jayden's legs...he was climbing up the chimney...why???

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