Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Days 3 and 4

I started off pretty good with the blogging, but life is wild with three little boys! Since this blog is my journal, I want to get in all the details......

On Friday Phillip, Evan and I went to the lakehouse after dropping the older boys at school. Evan is always asking us to take him to the lakehouse, so we headed out. It was chilly so Pop built us a fire and Evan got to play with all of the toys by himself and throw rocks in the lake. After picking up the boys from school, we had a little craft time (raining outside again). The boys made tons of cute christmas ornaments and were so proud of their work. Kyler had Basketball practice, so he and Pop went out to eat together and then to practice. Jayden, Evan and I went to Panera's (Jayden's favorite as well as mine) and had brocolli cheese soup (Yum).

Saturday we had 2 basketball games for the boys. Have I mentioned how much fun it is watching these little boys playing basketball?? Jayden is all over that ball - it is great to watch him. Kyler got to dribble the ball down the court TWICE! We spent Saturday afternoon at the lakehouse with Auntie M. The movers picked up all of her stuff on Saturday morning and she and James Alan left for San Antonio on Sunday, so it was good to spend some time with her. Even though it was very chilly, all of the boys got their feet wet throwing rocks in the lake. Melissa and Kerry got home at 7:45 and the house was totally dark. We'd been waiting in the dark about 30 minutes to scare them when they got home. I'm sure they were totally shocked when we all jumped up and yelled "SURPRISE." The boys were almost as happy to see their parents as Phillip and I were :)

1 comment:

The Williams said...

I am so impressed!!! Sounds like you guys had so much fun. Will you come get my kids to do crafts and eat some veggies? :)