Sunday, July 26, 2009
Dam Night Run
5K in 39 minutes and 37 seconds! I can't believe that I beat my (I thought) unattainable "goal" of 40 minutes. It was so exhilarating to run down that last section knowing that the end was near.
It was so hot and humid last night. I was glad that Kara was there with me before the race started since there was a lot of hanging around before the start. Now as soon as the start pistol was sounded I never saw her again.... she has run marathons....but she was there at the finish with a bottle of water for me... just waiting....like an angel....thanks Kara!
Post note: I don't want you to think that I am under the illusion that 40 minutes is a good time for a 5K in the "real world" - the world of people that are actually joggers. However, in "my world" - the world of someone who has only been jogging for a couple of months, who the first month took tylenol before jogging for the pain - I'm just relieved that I didn't come in last...that they didn't have to stay late for me to cross the finish line....and 40 minutes is pretty exciting.
It was so hot and humid last night. I was glad that Kara was there with me before the race started since there was a lot of hanging around before the start. Now as soon as the start pistol was sounded I never saw her again.... she has run marathons....but she was there at the finish with a bottle of water for me... just waiting....like an angel....thanks Kara!
Post note: I don't want you to think that I am under the illusion that 40 minutes is a good time for a 5K in the "real world" - the world of people that are actually joggers. However, in "my world" - the world of someone who has only been jogging for a couple of months, who the first month took tylenol before jogging for the pain - I'm just relieved that I didn't come in last...that they didn't have to stay late for me to cross the finish line....and 40 minutes is pretty exciting.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
This is where the magic happens....
This is the place where Phillip takes a "rust bucket" and turns it into something wonderful - like a '56 Ford pickup or a '73 Ford Bronco. Currently he is working on the Bronco and he spends hours in this building.
Working on this:
The last picture that I posted was the Bronco without the motor, so a lot of progress has been made. He literally has taken this vehicle TOTALLY apart and cleaned, repaired, and painted every single inch! It is amazing to me.... Now in case you are picturing my husband sweating away on these hot summer days, think again....his shop is airconditioned and stays cooler than our house.

Notice the panels of plastic hanging from the ceiling - this is his paint booth. When he paints he drops the panels and he has air filters in each panel (see the blue squares). He lots lots of other things that he does (involves fans, the air conditioner and I don't know what else) to make this booth work. Pretty ingenious!

He sprayed this stuff that they use to line pick-up truck beds on the interior.

And he loves every minute .....

Can you believe this engine? It looks brand new, but it is the original engine.
Notice the panels of plastic hanging from the ceiling - this is his paint booth. When he paints he drops the panels and he has air filters in each panel (see the blue squares). He lots lots of other things that he does (involves fans, the air conditioner and I don't know what else) to make this booth work. Pretty ingenious!
He sprayed this stuff that they use to line pick-up truck beds on the interior.
And he loves every minute .....
Can you believe this engine? It looks brand new, but it is the original engine.
Phillip has made a roll bar and ordered new foam and covers for the seats. He's getting pretty close to being finished.
Oh yes, below you see his secret for keeping up with all of the parts - items laid out on a table and small parts separated into ziploc baggies and carefully labeled.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
At the lake with the Grandbabies....
I love this scene...wet swim trunks and wet life jackets lined up to dry so that they'll be ready for the next outing. Mim came up from Louisiana and the boys spent a few days with us at the lake. Our schedule....swim, eat, swim, eat, swim, eat, fish, eat, swim, etc., etc., etc!

As soon as the boys wake up they head straight for the deck. They love to line up looking out at the lake, watching the boats and the birds flying below us (yes, the birds are below).
Notice that the boys are eating watermelon in their PJs... Kyler requested watermelon for breakfast... "Cici, it's fruit, it's good for you...." How could I argue with that? Going along with the "fruit is good for you" theme, Evan opted for banana bread...
Homemade ice cream everyday at the lake
Craft time - everybody made a personalized sun visor to wear swimming. We even made one for Melissa that says "Queen Mommy" in her favorite color - pink.
Friday, July 3, 2009
2 Lessons...
I have learned two very important lessons in the past two days.
Lesson #1: Always acclimate your fancy new camera to the temperature where pictures will be taken. I have been so excited about using my new camera to take beautiful pictures of my beautiful daughter and her beautiful family. I have dreamed of all the great photos of each child individually, together, with Melissa and Kerry, etc., etc..... But, when my big day came, my camera was fogged over - totally. I waited and waited - still fogged. Thank goodness one of their friends had a fancy camera and she has had hers long enough to learn this important lesson. The window of opportunity was not long (3 little boys, white shirts, ocean, sand) so after Shelly took a few pictures, we went upstairs and picked up our beachbag and Phillip and I headed to our hotel. By the time we got to the car, my camera was clear - it took about 45 minutes to clear...
Lesson #2: Watch your speed when going through Bernice, LA in a little red sports car. The speed limit was 55 and all of a sudden it was 35....I saw the police man start up his car and turn on his lights....but there was an SUV right next to me...maybe he would get him. No such luck! I can't remember the last time that I got a ticket, so when I pulled over I asked Phillip, "do I stay in the car or get out?" He told me to stay put. I unbuckled (mistake) to reach over and get my drivers license. (Note: I wear my seatbelt 100% of the time) The policeman came to my window and said "Is there a reason you are not wearing your seat belt?" Me: "I unbuckled to get my driver's license." Policeman: "Don't you know to stay buckled for the officer?" Me: "No, I don't ever get stopped by a police officer." Policeman: "Well if you speed in Bernice, you'll get stopped." To recap....Lesson #2a - don't speed in Bernice. Lesson #2b - keep your seatbelt buckled for the police officer to see or you'll also get a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt.
Lesson #1: Always acclimate your fancy new camera to the temperature where pictures will be taken. I have been so excited about using my new camera to take beautiful pictures of my beautiful daughter and her beautiful family. I have dreamed of all the great photos of each child individually, together, with Melissa and Kerry, etc., etc..... But, when my big day came, my camera was fogged over - totally. I waited and waited - still fogged. Thank goodness one of their friends had a fancy camera and she has had hers long enough to learn this important lesson. The window of opportunity was not long (3 little boys, white shirts, ocean, sand) so after Shelly took a few pictures, we went upstairs and picked up our beachbag and Phillip and I headed to our hotel. By the time we got to the car, my camera was clear - it took about 45 minutes to clear...
Lesson #2: Watch your speed when going through Bernice, LA in a little red sports car. The speed limit was 55 and all of a sudden it was 35....I saw the police man start up his car and turn on his lights....but there was an SUV right next to me...maybe he would get him. No such luck! I can't remember the last time that I got a ticket, so when I pulled over I asked Phillip, "do I stay in the car or get out?" He told me to stay put. I unbuckled (mistake) to reach over and get my drivers license. (Note: I wear my seatbelt 100% of the time) The policeman came to my window and said "Is there a reason you are not wearing your seat belt?" Me: "I unbuckled to get my driver's license." Policeman: "Don't you know to stay buckled for the officer?" Me: "No, I don't ever get stopped by a police officer." Policeman: "Well if you speed in Bernice, you'll get stopped." To recap....Lesson #2a - don't speed in Bernice. Lesson #2b - keep your seatbelt buckled for the police officer to see or you'll also get a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt.
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