Saturday, September 12, 2020

More Yellowstone and a little fishing!


We checked out of our hotel and headed to West Yellowstone through the park.  We arrived at our KOA on the west side of town around 10:30 and dropped our camper since it was too early to check in.  We stopped at the fly shop in West Yellowstone, purchased our fishing licenses, and Phillip bought some flies.  We headed into the park (long line to get into the park) and continued to check out the side drives. Phillip did some fishing on the Madison River.  I was sitting in a chair watching Phillip fish and then we walked to the truck to each lunch.  I looked up and the “trail” that ran along the river had a Bison walking by and he was just a yard behind where Phillip was sitting eating his sandwich.  

We visited some of the thermal features in the Norris Geyser Basin, drove across to the point where the road was closed at Canyon Village.  Phillip fished on the Madison and the Gibbons Rivers today.  So we went east, north and then east again and turned around and went back to the campsite.  We still had to set up at the KOA since we had not checked in yet.  We stayed at this campground with Kyler.  The weather is pleasantly cool and we sat out by our camp fire tonight.

Our route on this day:

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