Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Gift of an Ordinary Day.....

Someone sent me a link to a video of an author reading the essay "The Gift of an Ordinary Day."  If you haven't listened/read this, it is worth the time (about 7 minutes).  It has had me thinking about "the ordinary day," and how it is the ordinary times that provide my fondest memories of my girls hot summer days getting ready to go to the city pool and then coming home and the girls would be so tired they just wanted to lay down and watch a movie....and how much cooler it would seem in the house with the lights off in the hot afternoon, fan blowing and quietly watching "The Goonies"  or "Summer Magic." The excitement of getting ready for our family vacation because it would be one week of just us....all four....24 hours a day.  And I always had a stack of "hand work" to do on the way because I had made new outfits for the trip and had only to hem or sew on buttons....

With that in mind, here are some pictures of our ordinary days this summer....

And yes, I have on my clothes....but I wasn't going to let
the fact that I did not have my bathing suit on keep me from
having fun with my grandsons!

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