Saturday, June 15, 2013

Loving lake life...

I love being at the lake!  Having a dock has opened up another dimension for us in lake living....I never realized how much I would enjoy spending the entire summer here.  Phillip and I walk down to the dock and sit and watch the sunset...and sometimes fish a little....

Some birds built a next in one of the cupholders on the boat...

We took the boat out for a ride and the momma and daddy birds were going crazy! 
We got back to the dock and I looked in the cupholder and realized why....the birds were
just starting to hatch.  We decided to not take the boat out the rest of the day 
and we were leaving for Florida after that.  It was just enough the time we got
back the birdies had flown from the nest.

Here are two other baby birds in our garage - not the same birds as above.  They had hatched in the
garage and the one night I closed the door while the parents were outside getting food.  The
next meeting I saw the two birds outside this window trying to get inside and saw that
their babies were sitting on the window ledge.

And one morning I walked out to the deck to have my coffee and found this little egg sitting on the rail... the wind blew it off and it broke :(

This is only a sample of the wildlife around here.  We have seen a fox several mornings and deer every morning.  We have also seen a marmot, snake, turtles (alligator snapping turtle, box turtles and a BIG turtle swimming in the lake) and alligator Gar.

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