Sunday, March 18, 2012


We have spent the day hiking in the Rain Forests of Costa Rica with white-faced monkeys swinging in the trees overhead.  AWESOME!  Words can not describe and photos could never do justice to the experience.  However, I will post lots of pictures later :)

We started out this morning to the Poas Volcano.  The weather was cloudy and we couldn't see the crater, but we enjoyed the hike up the mountain.  We also made a stop at a coffee plantation.  The weather and altitude of the area make this the perfect place to grow coffee - and Costa Ricans love coffee.  Then we went to the La Paz Waterfall Gardens.  It was beautiful!  It houses the largest butterfly farm in the country.  The experience was so calming.  You are in the huge area that has netting overhead.  They had soothing music playing in the background and these huge, colorful butterflies would land on you.  We also saw a butterfly being born.  Afterwards we went through an exhibit with animals native to the area and then headed on our hike into the Rain Forest.  Now keep in mind that this is a rainforest and it rained most of the day.  However, we didn't let it bother us.  No raincoats or umbrellas - we're tough!  The experience in the rainforest is up there with one of my favorite lifetime experiences.  I now TOTALLY understand why people say that a scene is so beautiful that it is "breath-taking"....this was!

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