Saturday, March 26, 2011

Spring break!

We left a little early for our Spring break at Copper Mountain, Colorado.  I left the office on Thursday after class and headed straight for NWA.  I arrived at the same time that the boys got home from school...perfect timing!  We headed out, stopping in Kansas for the night.  The drive on Friday was relaxed...we stopped often, had a picnic and did a little shopping at REI in Denver.  From Denver, the Pitts crew headed to the condo while Phillip and I waited at the Denver airport to pick up Miranda and her friend Louise (better known by our family as Ms. Weez). 

Kyler got sick on Friday afternoon with Strep.  He had a high temperature and just didn't feel good, but he got out a little on Saturday on the "magic carpet" lift and taught himself the basics of snowboarding.  Jayden spent Saturday at snowboarding school, and Evan hung out with everybody.  Between the Strep and the high altitude, Kyler was having a hard time, so Sunday morning he went to the doctor at the Village and then spent the day in the condo - on oxygen!  He was so determined to get better so that he could ski on Monday.  Monday morning when he walked in that doctor's office, they were AMAZED!  He was so much better (after all, he'd been drinking lots and never took off his oxygen hose) that the doctor cleared him for snowboarding (with oxygen rests in between runs)!

Jayden just did the one day of school and the rest of the time he practiced his skills with everybody else.  He has no fear on the snowboard...reminds me a lot of his mother!  Evan started out boarding next to his Dad with Kerry holding onto him, but by the last day he didn't want any help!  "Leave me alone, I can do it myself!"  By the last day, Kyler could stop without falling!  All the boys made great progress.  Miranda and Louise skied all over the mountain and also hung out with the little boys.   Everybody skied, but just not all at the same time.  Oh yes, I didn't fall the entire time :)

Evan told pop that he wanted to stay five more days :)  I wish we could - we had a big time!  Pictures below:
Louise and Miranda:

It is a little hard to tell the boys apart with their helmets on.  Kerry and Evan:

Kyler and Pop on the Magic carpet

Kerry and Evan loading up:
Melissa and Kyler:
Jayden got tired of waiting on everybody so he took off.  You can see Melissa, Kerry, Kyler and Evan at the top of the hill...
Jayden - just look at that form!
Jayden riding the lift all by himself:
Melissa and Kyler
Kerry and Evan:

Melissa and Evan:



Miranda and Ms. Weez flew out on Monday evening.  The rest of us drove all the way home on Tuesday - 14 hours!  The boys were great!  They took turns riding with me and Pop so that we had a little one-on-one time with each.  We had Evan at the end of the day - from 7-11 pm.  Melissa said that he had not napped all day and his bedtime is at 7:30, so she thought he would sleep the entire time.  I am not exaggerating when I say that he did not quit talking the entire time.  How often do you get to sit and talk with a four year old for four hours?  It has been a great spring break - lots of good memories with the family!

1 comment:

The Williams said...

How fun! So sorry Kyler was sick. Sounds like he didn't let that stop him though! Made me miss our old ski trips!