Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010

The family in our Christmas pjs - ready for Santa...

Melissa and Kerry had the Foster's Christmas party on Thurday night and Jayden wanted to go duck hunting with Pop on Friday morning, so Auntie M to the rescue....She picked up the boys after work on Thursday and headed to Arkadelphia.  We got a little extra time with Miranda and the boys, and Miranda got a little snuggle time with Evan ( he won't do this if his Mom is around ), Jayden, and Kyler:

Mim and Mike stopped by the hospital to see my Uncle Charlie in Texarkana, so they arrived around 2 on Christmas Eve (which was the same time Melissa and Kerry arrived).

 The boys and I have had a little project going for the last couple of weeks.  I took some pictures of the little cuties, they took some pictures of each other, and colored some pictures for their Mom and Dad.  They also made a list of their 10 favorite things about each of their Parents.  I put it together in one of those books you can order from Walmart (8x10) and it came out SO CUTE!  We talked them into opening that gift on Christmas Eve so that they could take time to look through it with the boys. I think it was a hit~
 Setting out cookies and Coke for Santa and cheese for Santa Mouse:

I woke up around 3:30 am....I can never sleep on Christmas eve!  When the girls were little, I was always the first one up and had to wake up the girls when I couldn't stand it anymore :)  Jayden woke up around 6, but he had to stay  in his room.  We're hanging out until everyone else gets up:
 Checking out the goodies from Santa:
See Kyler's grin?  He pretty much had that look on his face all day.  He kept saying "I love Christmas!"  Of course the other boys were pretty happy too :)

Miranda getting a BIG "thank you" hug from the boys for the game table:
 And last, but not least, THE SISTERS~ ~


Stephanie Wood Smith said...

I love this picture!!!

Miranda said...

Mom!!! You know that I have to pre-approve all pics. Some of those are really bad!