Saturday morning - our battery is sooo dead. We got one of the other campers with a truck and cables to get us started. We then headed straight to Wal Mart to buy a new battery just in case. However, the car has been starting fine all day. That movie last night was just a little too much...
We picked up our bikes around 9:30 and headed to the trail. We had to ride through town, but it wasn't an issue. The streets are wide enough that there is room for a biker to stay to the right and cars can easily pass. Most streets have a bike lane marked. The Colorado River trail reminds me a lot of the LR bike trail. However, it is more than just one trail down the river - it is a system of trails - both paved and gravel. A series of small lakes is on one section with trail all around it. We diverted from the river trail and went on the Audubon trail which was lined with trees (the shade was a welcome cover from the sun). Although the temperatures are only around 76-78, with the sun bearing down it gets quite warm. We rode bikes for about 3 hours and then returned them and headed to Mesa Verde National Park.

I love to travel - you never know when you are going to find a little spot that you'll always remember, or witness something that you won't soon forget. Today was one of those days...we were driving down the highway and had slowed down to go through the town of Dolores, Colorado. I went over a small hill and right in front of me the road was TOTALLY blocked with cows - lots of them - around 50! They were being herded to another pasture by a group of young girls. There was probably 7 girls and most looked to be in their teens, with one a little older and one that looked to be about Jayden's age. The youngest girl was so cute up on her horse - totally comfortable riding alongside these cows. One of the girls had a whip which she cracked in the air. Several of the cows looked to be ready to deliver and there were lots of babies. It was so funny to see the momma cows fussing at her calves to hurry up. I was driving and my camera was in back, and we were trying to dig out the camera, so these pictures just don't do the situation justice. At one point, my car was totally surrounded by cows!
We arrived at Mesa Verde National Park in time to set up camp and cook dinner. On Sunday morning we visited some ruins at the Mesa Verde National Park. We've been here before, but it was in March and the ruins that were off the road were closed. We really enjoyed seeing where the Indians lived hundreds of years ago. It is amazing that the ruins survived this long...

We've had a great vacation, but we are ready to get home - plan to arrive Monday night!