I thought that I would blog everyday and keep everyone up-to-date on our trip, but I haven't had time. We are having a great time. Lots of snow. We just got to Chico Hot Springs Resort this afternoon and we've already soaked in the hot pool. The last few days have been very busy, but staying at Chico Hot Springs is the relaxing part of our vacation!
The day that we took the snow coach (picture above) was absolutely beautiful. We spotted a pack of 4 wolves (very exciting) on this day. At times we were less than 50 yards from them. In fact we've seen more animals this time than any other trip. I think the only thing we didn't see was a moose. The next day we had a cross-country ski trip planned, but the high was -6 degrees that day with wind chills of -38 degrees. That was a little too cold for us to be out all day, so we took the ride over to Cooke City, wildlife viewing. Today the temperature was much better - its amazing how warm 13 degrees feels after yesterday. We had a beautiful outing on snowshoes.
We have tons of beautiful pictures which we'll post later.